Bloody Women

An idea created in conjunction with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Domestic violence against women is still a major problem in Hong Kong, with approximately 1 in 7 women in Hong Kong having personally suffered, and potentially many more. To make matters worse, the issue was exacerbated during the pandemic and lockdowns.

The truth is that while alcohol is in the picture in over half of domestic abuse cases, it’s not the culprit of violence. Men are. 

As such the idea behind this project was to create a piece that could be the conversation starter, especially around such a taboo topic, to drive more awareness, and ultimately - change.

Each can featured a real-life story of a survivor. The front of the can featured the name of a survivor, while the back of the can was designed to feature their story of hope with a QR code that led viewers to a website to learn more about the issue.

The design featured subtly provocative visuals that created intrigue, especially when holding the cans.

** This project remains a proof of concept, and was not fully launched.


Everyday Heroes